=) This is the day I hv a BIG makan with my family^^
We had our table (Number :22).
One of our church member bought us 4x RM100 ticket.
Daddy, Mummy, sis and Me were thr that night. muahaha!
We had been practising since November every Sunday.
This dance was dance by almost 32 youngsters.
U can know how grand by knowing the amount of ppl. ^.<
so we hv to beg WaiChi to help us make-up.
She's a professional Make-up and hair stylist.
We spray our hair in colours : Red, Golden, Brown, some Glitters..etc ^^.
We reached at PGRM at 5pm and there was barely anyone.
I'm so glad to hv the opportunity to dance for GOD on stage.
We were damn HIGH that night! being Yan Ting's fanss! lolXx.
I luv the song"爱哟爱哟" haha! muackz..
I can tell you that those who dint come that night : U MISS THE FUN!
These are the pictures on that night! ^^